
Episode 1

Migrating to Australia

One afternoon on a hot summer day, I came back from the local public school I attended in Japan. Nothing seemed different until my mum asked a bizarre question, whilst my brother and I were enjoying an ice block.

“Do you both remember the address of Nemo?”

As we were both obsessed with the movie “Finding Nemo”, we knew the address of Nemo off by our hearts. After mum praised us for our superb memory of the movie, she continued to drop a bombshell.

“Well, would you be happy if I told you that we are moving to Nemo’s house in Australia?”

This was how it had started.

Before we knew, we were on a plane to Australia. As a nine year old child, all I knew about the Country was that:

  • The seasons were the complete opposite to Japan
  • Nemo lived in the Ocean of Australia
  • Kangaroos were hopping around the streets
  • English was spoken as their first language

Luckily, I had the basic understanding of the language (thanks to tutoring with an American English teacher). However, what surprised me the most when I migrated, was the Australian accent I was unfamiliar with. Every word spoken from the people of this country felt as if they were speaking another language.

Few weeks after migrating to Australia, my brother and I were placed into a primary school near our house. Not having a clue as to what the future withholds within our lives miles away from Japan.